In December 2007, we erected our first plaque in appreciation of Sir Archibald Geikie at Shepherd's Down, Hill Road. Sir Archibald was a famous geologist in his day, holding many positions in his distinguished career: 1867 Director of the Geological Survey of Scotland 1871 Murchison Chair of Geology, Edinburgh University 1879 Visits and lectures in the USA 1882 Director General of the Geological Survey 1890 President of the Geological Society 1908 President of the Royal Society In 1913 Geikie, newly appointed to the Order of Merit, retired from London to live in Haslemere in "Shepherd's Down", designed by his wife and daughters. In that year Sir Jonathan Hutchinson died, a former president of the Royal College of Surgeons and founder and owner of Haslemere Educational Museum. He left no Museum endowment and it faced closure. Geikie came to the fore and agreed to head up the management committee and to start fund raising. Under his leadership the museum prospered and moved to the premises it occupies today. Google maps location - CLICK HERE |