Georgian Hotel rejected - 11 May 2019_Letter
Georgian Hotel Reviews . 12 April 2019 - 5 Documents below
Letter : Georgian Reviews : Appendix CarterJonas : Assessment FLEURETS :
Assessment ADAMS
Letter : Georgian Reviews : Appendix CarterJonas : Assessment FLEURETS :
Assessment ADAMS
The Heights Pre-Application Consultation
The Heights: 2018/1771
The Haslemere Society submitted a response in this letter
The Haslemere Society submitted a response in this letter
Frensham Great Pond Development Proposal, 10th June 2016
The Haslemere Society committee feels you, and all local people, should be aware of the Frensham Great Pond proposal, if you are not already. You may wish to express a view of either support or opposition, or you may of course be neutral.
Frensham Great Pond is an area of Common Land, owned by the National Trust and leased to Waverley Borough Council. WBC’s plan is to replace existing facilities with a very much larger visitor centre in a more prominent place, incorporating a new cafe, a shop selling local produce, children’s play area, an interactive visitor information area, wardens’ rooms and , toilets. All are intended to enhance the visitor experience. You may feel this large building (see below) is out of keeping with the natural environment on the shores of the Great Pond. The current quite modest and less intrusive building has an office for the rangers, public lavatories and a small shop selling soft drinks and ice-creams.
As the land is owned by the NT, Waverley require NT consent to demolish the existing facilities and to build the new visitor centre. Your committee feels that such a large development is at odds with the reasons for NT having acquired the land in the first place. It is a wildlife haven, a tranquil place where commerce and the pressures of life can be put to one side. It is also an extremely rare habitat which has EU, National and Local Protections of the highest order (Special Protection Area, Site of Special Scientific Interest, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).
On the other hand you may feel that this is precisely what the area needs, something of the fun of the modern seaside.
The area available for public car-parking will be further extended and formalised by the addition of Pay and Display ticket machines. This is where WBC hope to recoup their investment (over 23 years). The estimated capital cost of this whole development is put at £800,000. Experience suggests that that figure may be exceeded, and in addition there will be substantial staffing implications. The roads leading to the area are very small and also service the enlarged Frensham Pond Hotel and the sailing club.
You can express your opposition or your support by contacting the NT Property Manager David Kennington. You do not have to be a NT member, but it may help. He is at: [email protected] or
General Manager of the NT Surrey Hills Estate
Surrey Hills Estate, Warren Farm Barns
Headley Lane, Mickleham
Surrey RH5 6DG
The Haslemere Society committee feels you, and all local people, should be aware of the Frensham Great Pond proposal, if you are not already. You may wish to express a view of either support or opposition, or you may of course be neutral.
Frensham Great Pond is an area of Common Land, owned by the National Trust and leased to Waverley Borough Council. WBC’s plan is to replace existing facilities with a very much larger visitor centre in a more prominent place, incorporating a new cafe, a shop selling local produce, children’s play area, an interactive visitor information area, wardens’ rooms and , toilets. All are intended to enhance the visitor experience. You may feel this large building (see below) is out of keeping with the natural environment on the shores of the Great Pond. The current quite modest and less intrusive building has an office for the rangers, public lavatories and a small shop selling soft drinks and ice-creams.
As the land is owned by the NT, Waverley require NT consent to demolish the existing facilities and to build the new visitor centre. Your committee feels that such a large development is at odds with the reasons for NT having acquired the land in the first place. It is a wildlife haven, a tranquil place where commerce and the pressures of life can be put to one side. It is also an extremely rare habitat which has EU, National and Local Protections of the highest order (Special Protection Area, Site of Special Scientific Interest, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).
On the other hand you may feel that this is precisely what the area needs, something of the fun of the modern seaside.
The area available for public car-parking will be further extended and formalised by the addition of Pay and Display ticket machines. This is where WBC hope to recoup their investment (over 23 years). The estimated capital cost of this whole development is put at £800,000. Experience suggests that that figure may be exceeded, and in addition there will be substantial staffing implications. The roads leading to the area are very small and also service the enlarged Frensham Pond Hotel and the sailing club.
You can express your opposition or your support by contacting the NT Property Manager David Kennington. You do not have to be a NT member, but it may help. He is at: [email protected] or
General Manager of the NT Surrey Hills Estate
Surrey Hills Estate, Warren Farm Barns
Headley Lane, Mickleham
Surrey RH5 6DG
Appletrees, Courts Hill Road, 30th January 2016
Planning application WA/2015/2394 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Planning application WA/2015/2394 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
5-12 Wey Hill, 22nd December 2015
Planning application WA/2015/2256 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Planning application WA/2015/2256 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Hill Road, 12th November 2015
Planning application WA/2015/1957 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Planning application WA/2015/1957 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
M&S, 6th October 2015
Planning applications WA/2015/1721 and WA/2015/1701 and WA/2015/1702 on Waverley Borough Council website.
The Haslemere Society has submitted two responses to the applications in this letter on WA/2015/1721 and this letter on WA/2015/1701 and 1702.
Planning applications WA/2015/1721 and WA/2015/1701 and WA/2015/1702 on Waverley Borough Council website.
The Haslemere Society has submitted two responses to the applications in this letter on WA/2015/1721 and this letter on WA/2015/1701 and 1702.
Coombe Lea, Critchmere Hill, 14th September 2015
Planning application WA/2015/1579 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society has submitted a response to the application in this letter
The Society's response to the previous planning application (WA/2015/0812) is here
Planning application WA/2015/1579 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society has submitted a response to the application in this letter
The Society's response to the previous planning application (WA/2015/0812) is here
Lower Street, 27th August 2015
Planning application WA/2015/1392 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society has submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Planning application WA/2015/1392 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society has submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Police Station, 24th August 2015
Planning application WA/2015/1470 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Planning application WA/2015/1470 on Waverley Borough Council website here.
The Haslemere Society submitted a response to the application in this letter.
Frensham - Borrow House Farm, 11th August 2015
Members attention is drawn to two related planning applications which are currently generating considerable public interest.
The proposals are to erect executive homes or an Industrial Park, in an area of Churt near the Devils Jumps. The site, which has a controversial planning history, was originally an encampment of Canadian Army nissan huts, now long abandoned. It is within the Green Belt and the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and adjoins Frensham Common.
Frensham Common, which is home to Frensham Ponds, is part of the Surrey Heaths ( Thursley, Hankley & Frensham Commons ) Special Protection Area designated as being of international importance for the protection of rare species. It connects directly to the Devil`s Punchbowl and Hindhead Common.
An earlier application for residential use was withdrawn following strong objections to the potential impact on this highly sensitive area, from among others, the National Trust, Churt and Frensham PCs, CPRE, RSPB, Surrey Wildlife and Surrey Highways, and many individual campaigners.
The new development proposals can be viewed on the Waverley BC website under planning references WA/ 2015/ 1198 and 1233.
The Haslemere Society can trace its origins to Sir Robert Hunter who co-founded the National Trust and led the campaign to save Hindhead Common and the Devil`s Punchbowl from development.
Members attention is drawn to two related planning applications which are currently generating considerable public interest.
The proposals are to erect executive homes or an Industrial Park, in an area of Churt near the Devils Jumps. The site, which has a controversial planning history, was originally an encampment of Canadian Army nissan huts, now long abandoned. It is within the Green Belt and the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and adjoins Frensham Common.
Frensham Common, which is home to Frensham Ponds, is part of the Surrey Heaths ( Thursley, Hankley & Frensham Commons ) Special Protection Area designated as being of international importance for the protection of rare species. It connects directly to the Devil`s Punchbowl and Hindhead Common.
An earlier application for residential use was withdrawn following strong objections to the potential impact on this highly sensitive area, from among others, the National Trust, Churt and Frensham PCs, CPRE, RSPB, Surrey Wildlife and Surrey Highways, and many individual campaigners.
The new development proposals can be viewed on the Waverley BC website under planning references WA/ 2015/ 1198 and 1233.
The Haslemere Society can trace its origins to Sir Robert Hunter who co-founded the National Trust and led the campaign to save Hindhead Common and the Devil`s Punchbowl from development.
Lynchmere & Hammer Community Halls 8th July 2015
An online petition has now been launched to "Save Lynchmere and Hammer Community Halls" here.
An online petition has now been launched to "Save Lynchmere and Hammer Community Halls" here.
Coombe Lea, Critchmere Hill 22nd May 2015
Planning Applicaton 2015/0812. The Haslemere Society registered its objection to the planning application in this letter.
Planning Applicaton 2015/0812. The Haslemere Society registered its objection to the planning application in this letter.
Undershaw update 29th March 2015
We are delighted (and relieved) to be able to tell you that we have now finally heard that Mr Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, will not be ’calling in’ the planning application for Undershaw. That would have meant that Waverley Borough Council’s (WBC) decision to approve the planning application risked being over-turned.
WBC approved the planning application at the beginning of February. However, English Heritage, prompted by John Gibson's Undershaw Preservation Trust, strenuously opposed the plans. Their stance was totally inconsistent, as English Heritage had not objected to far more damaging proposals in 2010. We are confident that the action taken by so many of our members in writing to express strong support for the Stepping Stones School’s proposals contributed to the positive outcome. Those of you who have been following the case will fully realise how much has been going on behind the scenes locally in order to achieve this result.
The old house and outbuildings will now be restored as 100 years of decline and neglect are reversed, and together with a fine new building, will provide educational facilities for children with special needs. Groups will also now be welcome to visit and/or use Undershaw by arrangement.
We are delighted (and relieved) to be able to tell you that we have now finally heard that Mr Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, will not be ’calling in’ the planning application for Undershaw. That would have meant that Waverley Borough Council’s (WBC) decision to approve the planning application risked being over-turned.
WBC approved the planning application at the beginning of February. However, English Heritage, prompted by John Gibson's Undershaw Preservation Trust, strenuously opposed the plans. Their stance was totally inconsistent, as English Heritage had not objected to far more damaging proposals in 2010. We are confident that the action taken by so many of our members in writing to express strong support for the Stepping Stones School’s proposals contributed to the positive outcome. Those of you who have been following the case will fully realise how much has been going on behind the scenes locally in order to achieve this result.
The old house and outbuildings will now be restored as 100 years of decline and neglect are reversed, and together with a fine new building, will provide educational facilities for children with special needs. Groups will also now be welcome to visit and/or use Undershaw by arrangement.
Waverley Borough Council Planning Committee update 4th February 2015
Recent Waverley Borough Council Planning Committee items regarding issues of interest to Haslemere Society members:
Recent Waverley Borough Council Planning Committee items regarding issues of interest to Haslemere Society members:
- Sturt Farm : The planning application to erect up to 135 dwellings on this site was considered at a meeting of WBC Joint Planning Committee, held on Monday 2nd February. The Planning Committee APPROVED this application.
- Undershaw : The planning applications for change of use from a hotel to a school, together with Listed Building consent for extensions and alterations, was considered at a meeting of WBC Southern Area Planning Committee on Wednesday 4th February. The Planning Committee APPROVED these applications (subject to referral to the Secretary of State).
Police Station planning application 15th January 2015
Police Station site planning application (2014/2346) letter submitted to Waverley Borough Council - here
Police Station site planning application (2014/2346) letter submitted to Waverley Borough Council - here